Religio-philosophical thoughts
These are some of the books and persons that had inspired and/or
influenced me spiritually.
A Search in Secret India - by Paul Brunton
The Secret Path - by Paul Brunton
An Autobiography of a Yogi - by Paramahamsa Yogananda
An Autobiography - The Story of my Experiments with Truth
- by Mahatma Gandhi.
Many Mansions - by Gina Cerminara
There are a couple of other books I enjoyed reading for their
philosophical or metaphysical content !
I admire Ayn Rand for her bold philosophy. I like her book
I have always been interested in metaphysical musings in Physics.
I recommend Fritzof Capra's The Tao of Physics for like-minded
I have attempted to describe some
Hindu deities
to non-Indians.
( I know this is imperfect, so give me your
with suggestions to improve.)
(Note : These are thumbnail pictures from the collection of
Mohan Ayyar
, at Sydney, Australia. )
You can find some more images in M.S.Ravisankar's